Fee Breakdown
and Impact

Student Fee Usage and Overview

University Park 2023-2024 Fee Breakdown

The Fee is used to better student life at University Park. The student initiated fee is broken into eight categories: basic needs; infrastructure and facilities; recreation and entertainment; diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging; environmental sustainability; student programming and involvement; special funds; and student government and wholly fee funded entities. The Fee Board gives students a broad authority to determine how their Student Fees are being spent at University Park and to allocate Fee funding to activities or resources that will have the greatest impact on student life.

One of the main advantages of the Fee Board system is that all aspects of the Student Fee are now transparent, and students have the ability to see how their funds are being utilized.

Below, you can find a summary of how your student fee is allocated to various offices at University Park. The Facilities Debt indicates funds that are necessary to pay off previous renovations for the HUB-Robeson Center and University Health Services. The HUB-Robeson Center debt will be paid after this year. The University Health Services debt runs through 2038. 

Breakdown of Student Initiated Fee

This graph displays the breakdown of what amount of each full-time Student Fee ($281.00) goes into each funding category in descending order.

Description Cost
Total Basic Needs $56.00
Counseling and Psychological Services $12.13
Basic Needs Support Center $3.21
Univeristy Health Services STI Testing Services $4.08
UHS Basic Needs $33.27
Lion's Pantry $2.17
Student Parent Child Care Subsidy Program $1.14
Total Infrastructure and Facilities $78.05
Facilities Fee Reserve $72.88
Student Health/HUB Dept Repayment $2.97
HUB Reserve $2.21
Total Recreation and Entertainment $61.59
Campus Recreation $56.79
Bryce Jordan Center Ticket Subsidies $2.21
Center for Performing Arts $2.59
Total Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging $11.92
Paul Robeson Cultural Center $6.73
Student Disability Resources $0.00
Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity $1.72
Gender Equity Center $1.29
Office of Graduate Equity Programs $2.18
Total Environmental Sustainability $3.37
Student Farm $2.54
Sustainability Institute $0.83
Total Student Programming and Involvement $74.55
University Park Allocation Committee (UPAC) $50.77
Student Leadership and Involvement (Homecoming, SPA, MLK) $22.68
Student Orientation and Transition Services $1.10
Total Special Funds $1.86
Environmental Sustainability Fund $1.38
Equity Fund $0.48
Total Student Government and Wholly Fee Funded Entities $8.28
University Park Undergraduate Association $1.54
Graduate and Professional Student Association $0.66
Council of Commonwealth Student Government $0.06
Student Legal Services $6.02
Total Allocation per Student $295.62
Total Student Initiated Fee $281.00
Subsidized Fee by Reserves $14.62

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